Thursday 24 May 2012

Some inspiring things from instagram.

I have not long since joined instagram. The reason I am so late was because I failed to realise that it is a social networking site. I had always assumed it was a poor man's hipstamatic. What's great is you can up load old photos to it too. I have sound some wonderful illustrative pieces on there. Here's a couple (screen capped on my iPhone so that you can find the artist)

I'm not really sure how you search tags on names on instagram. The only tags I have been able to search are ones that already exist in my feed. The only people I have found is through tags and by looking through followers/following lists. But if anybody figures it out my user name is super_beck.

Suggestions of other inspiring creators on instagram would be greatly appreciated.

Thursday 17 May 2012

Stop Motion

I ordered myself a tripod for my iPhone, not just any tripod, a very bendy tripod with legs that can be wrapped around things so that your phone can be held at all sort of angles.  This is because I downloaded a stop motion app ages ago but never had much luck using it as I could never take the next photo from the exact same place again.  A tripod was needed and this seemed heaven sent. 

I always enjoyed dabbling in animation,  I loved seeing still things come to life.  I cant wait to get making short 10 - 30 second clips.  Waiting for inspiration as always.   I decided to have a quick scout around on the web for some stop motion stuff (yes there's a lot) and I came across this.

Stop Motion Freud

So flawless, I am in awe, and a little set back.  I don't think my patients or my iphone would ever venture to create something as great.

Tuesday 15 May 2012


It's been a while. I sort of gave up. I get easily destracted when something new comes along. I'm like a child, I can only hold One interest at a given time.

I'm posting again to create myself a little encyclopaedia of inspiration which I can visit at my hearts content and use as an index of things I've found useful and interesting. And I know it will work because until I logged back on just now I forgot that I ever went to retro active all those months ago.

So this is going to be a place for me, I hope others find it of use too.

I want to get back into illustrating but it's so hard doing it alone with no real goal to it. I have been at a complete loss since leaving university but I'm going to try and keep my hand in, just so I'm not wasting something I worked so hard on for three years of my life. This is one of my first real steps back into that world.

I started exploring Lino printing about a year ago. I combined it with my love for castles. I have quite a few but have mounted some and they can be seen and bought here:

My Etsy Store

So I'll try and stick to it this time. Wish me luck.